In the past, you could always “buy-and-hold” your 401(k).
To grow and preserve your 401(k) account value.
Quick question.
What other area of your personal or business life can you set on hold forever?
Pay no attention. Devote no time. No research. “Set-and-forget.”
There is none.
And at some point, your 401(k) is going to need your complete and undivided attention.
Who is the best authority on your 401(k)?
Do you trust your company 401(k) sponsor? The company you work for.
The same one who bought the lowest priced 401(k) plan they could find.
Your company 401(k) provider?
The same company that provides the majority of your mutual fund options.
Does the phrase, “the fox watching the hen house” have any meaning to you?
The stock market is near all-time highs. Interest rates poised to make a meaningful change of direction.
Time to consider a second opinion on your 401(k).
To shop around for an independent, fiduciary-level analysis.
Do you own the best mutual funds available on 401(k) menu?
Most individual 401(k) investors don’t know. They guess.
401(k) mutual funds are a commodity. One size fits all.
Do you shop around for all the other commodities you buy?
Like other areas of your personal life. Tax, law, medicine.
Seek expert advice on your 401(k) mutual funds.
Stop managing your 401(k) operating on false assumptions.
There are mutual fund selection factors about which you don’t even know.
You are not a 401(k) mutual fund expert. You do what you do every day. And you know what you know.
You may own a 401(k) mutual fund now that will become a problem later on. When the stock market stops going up.
Every once-in-a-while, your 401(k) requires deep insight from an outside source.
You don’t need general investment advice.
Your 401(k) needs a finely tuned diagnosis.
A deep dive into your entire default 401(k) mutual fund menu. And those mutual funds you own now.
You don’t understand your 401(k) as well as you should.
No sense trying to find answers to questions you don’t know.
The current stock market cycle is well past “shopping around” for the best 401(k) mutual funds to own.
The all-time stock market highs have made even the worst 401(k) mutual funds go up in value.
Lucky you. But how long will your luck last?
It’s time to change your 401(k) mutual fund decision making process.
Get past “I need to think about it.”
Get to “I have to do something to protect my 401(k)”
Do you want to improve your 401(k) investment management strategy?
If so, let’s start a conversation.
There is no need to continue to guess “what to buy” in your 401(k). Or own the poor-performing and high cost mutual funds.
It starts with a second opinion. You deserve it.
Reach out to me on LinkedIn. Or comment below.
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