If you enjoy the on-hold music when you call your 401(k) provider, this blog post is not for you.

Are you taking full advantage of the latest and greatest 401(k) investment advice tools?

What if you spent as much time planning your next post-COVID 19 vacation as you do with your 401(k) mutual funds?

For some 401(k) participants, is not a time issue. To be honest, it is an investment management sophistication issue. Many 401(k) participants do not know how to find the hand full of best mutual funds to own.

What if you had an independent, third-party 401(k) advisor? This advisor would offer a fiduciary level of 401(k) investment advice in real-time. Fiduciary investment advice acts in a client’s best interest.

Take full advantage of your SDBA (self-directed brokerage account) option in your 401(k). This 401(k) brokerage account allows you to avoid the high hidden fees found in your main menu of mutual funds.

Individual 401(k) participants of all ages qualify. More important is the fact that 401(k) account balances of all sizes qualify. Quality mutual fund and exchanged trade fund options for all. And personalized investment advice regardless of investment management sophistication.

401(k) investment management now should prioritize the preservation of principal. The stock markets are not supporting higher prices. You do not have the ability to grow your 401(k) value.

There are 401(k) investment options that can lower your stock market risk now. The tricky part is to know where they are. And if those investment options are suitable for your stock market risk tolerance. Add in your short and long-term investment goals.

The target-date mutual fund you are invested in now in your 401(k) is a perfect example. Do you want to continue to take a “set-it-and-forget-it” investment management strategy?

It is time to reevaluate every 401(k) mutual fund you currently own. Find your comfort level with the current stock market environment.

The U.S. stock markets are now more complex. So too are U.S. interest rates. A more dramatic stock market decline. Or rise in interest rates. Each one, or both, could damage your 401(k) principal.

Your 401(k) account deserves better. Seek a customized asset allocation. You should have the same level of personal service and guidance in all areas of your daily life.

No more hidden fees. Customized 401(k) mutual fund selection. The U.S. stock markets are trying to take away the last several years of your 401(k) investment gains. And personal and company-matching contributions.

Switch your 401(k) investment management strategy now. Proactive 401(k) management is available.

Ric Lager
Lager & Company, Inc.
