Not long ago, I was chatting with an individual 401(k) investor who told me about a specific mutual fund he’d invested in. Since the mutual fund price had gone up recently, he had made a little money. Enough to get his 401(k) account to “all-time highs.”

Around the same time, I was having a chat with a retired client of mine.

What do these two stories have in common? Why am I sharing them with you? Because they both illustrate an important concept: Picking your 401(k) mutual funds.

No matter what stage of life you are in. Or how much your net worth is. You have to decide “what to buy” in your 401(k) account.

Your 401(k) mutual fund choices will determine in large part. The dollar amount of retirement plan account balance that will help you retire.

It’s common to feel uncertain about your 401(k) mutual fund choices. The amount of financial jargon is overwhelming. The time to devote to finding the right information limited.

For example, here are some questions you may find yourself asking from time to time:

· How can I find the right combination of 401(k) stock and bond market mutual funds for me? The ones that reflect my comfortable level of risk.

· Are there potential dangers with any of the 401(k) mutual funds I own now? Exactly how much of my current 401(k) principal is at risk if the stock market drops from the current levels?

· If there are better 401(k) mutual fund options available to me know, which ones are they?

· How can I best improve my 401(k) mutual fund choices going forward?

If you’ve ever wondered about any of these questions, you are not alone. Not by a long shot.

Are you frustrated with the inconsistent preservation and growth of your 401(k)? If so, it may be time for a second opinion.

I’d like to help by offering a free second opinion on your current 401(k) mutual funds. A ten-minute review of what you own now. And the changes you may need to think about making going forward.

Together, we can determine if you own the best mutual funds available to you. An experienced, third-party investment advisor provides a great deal of peace of mind.

I don’t know anything about your work expertise. And I would not last very long doing what you do for a living every day.

When it comes to analyzing 401(k) mutual funds, you enter my domain. I opened my first individual 401(k) investment advice relationship in 1999.

There is no way on earth that I can’t make you smarter when you have to choose your 401(k) mutual funds.

Of course, it may be that your 401(k) mutual funds are in great shape. If so, great! But if you ever feel like you are not sure, let’s connect. Please give me a call at 763-377-2006 or send me an e-mail at

In less than ten minutes of your time, you will know for sure about your 401(k) mutual funds.

Ric Lager

I have spent the last several years trying to figure out the best way to share my 401(k) advice content. I have tried Twitter, Facebook, company web site, and LinkedIn Groups. I now realize nothing beats a well-crafted newsletter delivered to your inbox once a week.

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