A robo-advisor is an online financial advice and portfolio management provider with little or no human interaction. The best example of robo-advice that I can think of is asking Google Home or Amazon Echo which mutual funds to own on your company 401(k) retirement...
I came across a very informative article in Forbes this week by Edward Siedle. Mr. Siedle founded Benchmarkalert.com in 1999. He has a long reputation as a “pension detective” and a “financial watchdog” for individual company retirement plan investors. He has long...
Everyone has to have a hobby, right? Lately, my hobby has been hating on company 401(k) retirement plan target date mutual funds. My problem started around Christmas time with this article. It got so bad, that I wrote this anti-target date mutual fund article last...
Assets in company 401(k) retirement plan target-date funds have exploded over the past few years. In plans that I routinely monitor for clients, target date mutual funds are by far the most popular mutual fund investment option. The popularity of target date mutual...
If you watch company 401(k) retirement plan default menus for individual investor clients every day like I do, the conclusions in the article linked below come as no surprise. I remind my individual company 401(k) advice clients of this fact all the time. That is, I...
Very few individual company 401(k) retirement plan participants ever take the time to review their investment management decisions. They have no idea what worked, and what did not work, over the previous calendar year. Your year-end 2016 company 401(k) retirement plan...