A fiduciary investment advisor can have a drastic impact on your 401(k). Beginning with your awareness of annual mutual fund expenses. And annual investment performance. An experienced 401(k) advisor can improve your mutual fund picks. And he or she can help you avoid...
Imagine how I feel? A 41-year career as an investment advisor. And I finally figured it out. It’s not about WHAT I know. Or HOW MUCH I know. Or my “Value Proposition.” (The marketing genius who invented that term should be prosecuted). Here’s what my individual 401(k)...
The S&P 500 is on the verge of back-to-back annual 20%-plus gains. Many individual 401(k) investors I talk to are concerned. They know. Stock market gains can disappear quickly. In the study which they first described prospect theory, Daniel Kahneman and Amos...
I am an individual 401(k) investment advisor. Advising clients in all industries. In all levels of business and economic education and sophistication. There is one thing that my 401(k) advice clients have in common. They’re always thinking about the growth and safety...
In the past, you could always “buy-and-hold” your 401(k). To grow and preserve your 401(k) account value. Quick question. What other area of your personal or business life can you set on hold forever? Pay no attention. Devote no time. No research. “Set-and-forget.”...
Every once-in-a-while you have to ask yourself this question. Most times when you don’t have time to think about the answer. “How much stock market risk am I willing to take in my 401(k) account?” This question is especially important now. Due to the fact of your Q3...