Right now is probably the best time in your working career to take the time to reassess the investment performance in your Minnesota company 401(k) retirement plan account. With a long list of uncertain political and financial events dominating the worldwide...
I have asked the same company 401(k) retirement plan investment management question for both clients and prospects over the last several months. The historic investment returns of 2017 require each individual investor to give at least a passing thought to their...
Last week, an individual company 401(k) retirement plan investment advice prospect asked me for a brief explanation of how target date mutual funds worked. I knew exactly how to respond to his request. I e-mailed the prospect a link to the article below. In February...
All the news about inappropriate sexual behavior in government and the workplace is depressing. Especially when I have a college-aged daughter about to enter the workforce soon. All parents want to protect their children from any potential harm. Parents also want...
There was a great 401(k)mutual fund article on Yahoo Finance over the holiday weekend. The article contained 5 Interesting Statistics on How Americans Use Their 401(k)’s. The first two statistics really caught my attention. I see these same two company 401(k)...
The large financial services companies spend tens of millions of advertising dollars every year. Their main message is always the Big Three of investment management advice–asset allocation, diversification, and rebalancing. The end result is that most individual...