Earlier this month of March, it was nine years since that last U.S. stock market bottom. Since then, “set-it-and-forget-it” has been the best company 401(k) retirement plan investment management strategy available. Individual company 401(k) retirement plan...
CNBC recently published an article that appeared to be just another in a long series of company 401(k) target date mutual fund promotional articles. Upon further review, this article quoted some very scary numbers regarding company 401(k) retirement plan mutual funds....
This year’s NCAA men’s basketball tournament and “March Madness” will be the topic of conversation in every office in America this week. The tournament begins in earnest on Tuesday night. A total of 68 teams will play in order to determine the eventual...
For the last several years, most individual company 401(k) retirement plan participants have kept their accounts on cruise control. I don’t think that is going to remain the best investment management strategy over the next few weeks. On Thursday, March 1, President...
Let’s face the facts. You did not choose the default menu of mutual fund options available in your company 401(k) retirement plan account. You basically have to make lemonade out of the lemons that were chosen for you. Your company 401(k) retirement plan sponsor—your...
I bet if I asked you the amount of your monthly car payment, you would know. The same goes for your mortgage, rent, or association dues. The most important bills we pay each month are permanently etched in our minds. In late January, TD Ameritrade published a survey...