Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have a wonderful day spent with family, friends, and great food. For me, Thanksgiving is a time for reflecting on all that we have to be thankful for. It occurred to me the other day that I have never published a blog post to share...
Later this week, it is already the 2019 Thanksgiving holiday. Amid all the family and friend events, I hope you can find at least a few minutes of down time. Here is a quick idea to profit from those few minutes alone. Review your current company 401(k) retirement...
Investing is much different than all other life skills. Most people will call a plumber if they have leaky pipes. They will go to the doctor if they don’t feel well for an extended period of time. And they don’t perform their own root canal. Almost all individual...
At some point in your life you have done all of the following; started a new job, applied for life insurance, or opened a brokerage or bank account. In each event, forms required you to name a primary and contingent beneficiary. You had to provide your account...
“I am more concerned about the return OF my money than the return ON my money.” Mark Twain is credited with the quote above. Every few years, individual company 401(k) retirement plan participants need to pay very close attention to this all-time great...
The vast majority of actively managed mutual funds that are available on default company 401(k) retirement plan menus have a long and miserable track record of providing less than stock market benchmark investment returns. One of the last studies that I read stated...