How to rescue your 401(k)

In the last few days, the timing has improved for you to take the necessary investment management steps to recover your recent company 401(k) retirement plan account losses. These steps are not hard to understand. All you need to do is to apply at little logic and...

The math of your 401(k) losses

In 2019, the S&P 500 index gained 31.49%. That number was more than three times higher than its average gain of 10.6% over its 50-year average. That is the only good news you are going to get from me in this blog post. Now, this is the reality of the current stock...

Notice to Clients on 3-11-2020

As you may know, on Wednesday, March 11th, the World Health Organization officially declared the coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic. Due to the situation, all in-person appointments at Lager & Company, Inc. are canceled until further notice. Instead, we will...