I prospect for new 401(k) advice clients about every day. I cannot help it. (Over 41 years of my prospecting habit is hard to break). Individual investors often resist my initial approach. An independent, third-party investment advisor for their 401(k) is not top of...
It would be a cold telephone call. Or an e-mail sent to your work e-mail address. If I were feeling bold, I would send you a video message on your cell phone. I would immediately tell you that I am reaching out to you about your 401(k) account. Here is what you would...
I have been an investment advisor for over 41 years. Providing investment advice to individual 401(k) participants for the past 26 years. I’ have the honor of collaborating with talented clients. Most with several years of knowledge and experience withing their...
Most individual investors have both the economic resources and personal needs. To enlist the help of talented and experienced investment advisor. Nowhere is that more evident. Then in the investment management decisions necessary to navigate a 401(k). Many of the...
Retired or nearing retirement, there is one common 401(k) mistake you need to avoid. Using the same investment management strategy when you retire. As you did when you were working. There are two basic stages of investing. The first and longest stage is where you...
July 1999. The establishment of my first individual 401(k) investment advice relationship. I have learned many things since then. Three universal, time-tested principles for you to consider individual 401(k) investment advice. Individual 401(k) advice is not an...