There is a good chance your 401(k) default mutual fund option is a target date mutual fund. A recent study by Fidelity confirms that fact. A whopping 98% of all employers allow workers to invest their 401(k) money in a target date fund. And 92% of 401(k) accounts use...
The mutual fund on your 401(k) retirement plan menu is always listed in alphabetical order. Well, there is a research report a couple of years ago that confirmed that fact. And it found that mutual fund names beginning “early in the alphabet” are more likely to...
It is that time of year again. Individuals finding time in late December to set resolutions for the New Year. At least one of those New Year’s Resolutions should be to manage your investments better in 2022. Plain and simple, a resolution is a promise that you make to...
I have been providing investment advice to individual investors for over 37 years. Over that time, I have learned one of the most important aspects of my job.The current U.S. stock and bond market risk levels are much higher now than they were even a few weeks ago....
Most people are not in the market for a company 401(k) retirement plan account investment advisor. This is frustrating to me. But I completely understand. Company 401(k) investors are making much progress building their retirement nest egg. The stock markets are up....
Have you ever received a gift you did not actually want? Well, company 401(k) participants got a gift recently – the kind nobody wants. I am not talking about an ugly sweater or a pair of socks. I am referring to a new bout of stock and bond market volatility., just...