You need to rethink the current stock market risk level in your 401(k). It’s a simple shift.Not hard if you use the right mutual fund analytical tools. Because the main direction of the U.S. stock markets may shift.If the new tariffs hurt company earnings going...
Everyone makes 401(k) investment mistakes. Picks the wrong mutual fund. Or mutual funds. But is the much bigger long-term problem… Individual investors “do nothing.” Because they don’t know how much it costs to own the wrong 401(k) mutual fund. Too much time. Too much...
Most individual 401(k) participants I approach are the same. They already have an investment advisor relationship. But more of the same. That relationship does not include their 401(k) account. Or their spouse or partner 401(k). Most individual investors don’t...
The “buy-and-hold” mindset is to blame. Generations of 401(k) investors don’t understand. How to manage 401(K) stock market mutual fund risk. They completely miss the mark when the stock market’s decline. They know how to contribute and grow their 401(k) account...
A dry cleaner, a lawn care company, and the person who cuts your hair.All in the service business.Individual 401(k) investment advice falls into the same category. A service provider solves a simple life problem.A solution to a life problem not solved on your own. I...
Since COVID, the business world has changed. When you stop to think about “the old days.” The business world has changed forever. I can’t remember my last business lunch. Or round of golf with a client. Or a beer at happy hour. I look back at my most recent new 401(k)...