Every 401(k) plan I review for my individual 401(k) advice clients includes a target-date mutual fund. Some 401(k) plans have been overrun by target-date mutual funds. So, target-date mutual funds are popular. At least with the retirement plan consultants who sold...
I opened my first investment advice account for an individual company 401(k) investor in 1999. I have learned the two main elements for successful 401(k) investment management. The first element is intelligence. 401(k) participants must take the time to understand...
Over the course of a month, I review between 10 and 15 new 401(k) retirement plan mutual fund menus. Since I started in 1999, that is a lot of reviews. By any international standard. Every new 401(k) retirement plan menu reminds me of going to the candy store in the...
I have provided investment advice to self-directed 401(k) investors since July 1999. Most 401(k) participants do not know about self-directed 401(k) accounts. That fact has always been a mystery to me. Most individual investors have a traditional view of their company...
I talk with several individual 401(k) participants each day. I have a growing concern that few are prepared for the potential risk of principal loss. The last 13 years has lulled many 401(k) investors into a false sense of continual optimism. Stocks and bonds have...
When it comes to 401(k) investing, it is always best to keep it simple. That is my main message to all individual 401(k) investors. Mutual funds should make life simple. Many popular 401(k) mutual funds were founded in the 1920’s and 1930’s. For smaller investors who...