Fantasy Football buy-and-hold 401(k)

Fantasy Football buy-and-hold 401(k)

Since you began your working career. All you had to do was contribute money each year to your 401(k). And gain as much company-matching contribution as possible. You always knew your 401(k) balance would go up. If only by the fact that you and your company added money...
It’s not too late in your 401(k)

It’s not too late in your 401(k)

It’s too late for you to worry about the most common 401(k) investment management regret. You know the one I am talking about. “What do I buy?” The good news is that that stock market has “bailed you out” over the last few quarters. Provided you with the gift of a...
It’s 401(k) decision time

It’s 401(k) decision time

Congratulations on your all-time high 401(k) account balance. Oh wait! That was at the end of June. Sorry. As you know … The stock market has other ideas. I focus a good part of my investment advice practice on individual 401(k) investors.Because most of them don’t...
A deer and a 401(k) stop loss

A deer and a 401(k) stop loss

A few weeks ago, I hit a deer with my Jeep. On the way to my cabin in Canada. The last few miles of the trip is remote. Dotted with many of God’s creatures. Each one enjoying the summer weather. Often in the road. I always pay close attention. Even when I have the...