Stock market risk in your 401(k)

Stock market risk in your 401(k)

Every once-in-a-while you have to ask yourself this question. Most times when you don’t have time to think about the answer. “How much stock market risk am I willing to take in my 401(k) account?” This question is especially important now. Due to the fact of your Q3...
A dangerous time for your 401(k)

A dangerous time for your 401(k)

It is easy to fall into the financial media talking head trap. The post-election stock market rally. Or the year-end stock market rally. There is one more. The Federal Reserve lowering interest rates rally. The financial media will grab on to any reason they can find....
The blind spot in your 401(k)

The blind spot in your 401(k)

Everyone has blind spots. Areas of their life that includes a set of obvious facts that are not obvious to them. They choose to “don’t care” or “don’t have time.” Sometimes, it is a combination of both. It might be time to decide how much you care about your 401(k)...
Useless 401(k) information

Useless 401(k) information

I am tired of useless information provided to individual 401(k) participants. There is only so much attention span available. How can a 401(k) investor decide what information is helpful? To improve his or her mutual fund investment management decisions? Here is my...
Rebalance your 401(k) the right way

Rebalance your 401(k) the right way

It is that time of year. Casual financial news readers overwhelmed with articles about the merits of year-end rebalancing. Once a year, a 401(k) rebalance is a promising idea. The U.S. stock markets have closed at all-time highs recently. Your 401(k) has the largest...
401(k) investing needs to manage risk

401(k) investing needs to manage risk

You should hold as much of your 401(k) as you can in stocks. Because stocks always provide better investment returns over the long run. Always better than other investments alternatives. Bonds, international stocks, or the money market. Stocks beat them all over the...