Know your 401(k) collective trusts

There’s a stealth investment vehicle that has made its way into many large company 401(k) retirement plan menus over the last few years. It’s called a collective investment trust (CIT). You might own one or more of these company 401(k) investment options right...

Percentages and dollars in your 401(k)

A funny thing has happened on my journey providing investment advice to individual company 401(k) retirement plan participants over the last 22 years. It’s the mental and emotional arithmetic used by 401(k) investors dealing with stock market gains and losses....

The blind spots in your 401(k)

Everyone has an area of their life that includes a set of blatantly obvious facts that are not oblivious to them. These are called blind spots. You either choose to “don’t care” or “don’t have time” to be bothered. The periodic investment management decisions required...

Enjoy your 401(k) growth while you can

No more masks! At least where I live, work, and shop. But that is not even the best news lately. Your company 401(k) retirement plan account has been on an historic run. For over a decade, your retirement nest egg has ridden along with the stock market to all-time...

Is your 401(k) advisor a nice guy too?

Last week, I was referred by a long time individual 401(k) investment advice client. He is an attorney, and referred me to a younger attorney in the same department at his law firm. As I always do, I did a social media search on the young attorney. Decent undergrad...