One of the Wall Street wisdom’s that I remember from my younger days is, “they are always fighting the last battle.” This adage is a stark reminder. Adjust investment management decisions to reflect the current stock and bond market environments. You cannot do...
At all times, I am in communication with many 401(k) participants. On phone calls, in e-mails, and on zoom calls, I am asked the same two questions. In the exact same order. First, “Are there better mutual funds for me to own in my 401(k) now?” There always are at...
Stock market corrections can often look very scary. That is a problem because fear is every 401(k) investor’s worst enemy. It is what drives 401(k) investors to make irrational and shortsighted decision. instead of sticking to a coherent strategy. What Is a...
The smart speaker and voice assistant revolution are going on in your home and office right now. Check the weather, order groceries, make appointments and get the sports scores. All you must do is ask. You can bet large 401(k) plan providers like Schwab and Fidelity...
There is a good chance your 401(k) default mutual fund option is a target date mutual fund. A recent study by Fidelity confirms that fact. A whopping 98% of all employers allow workers to invest their 401(k) money in a target date fund. And 92% of 401(k) accounts use...