If you are a 401(k) investor, you know this.

You make your investment decisions based on emotions.

Call it an occupational hazard.

Over 41 years as an investment advisor.

Facts, figures, statistics.
Tables, graphs, and charts.

All tied to logic, discipline, and organization.

What to buy. When to sell.

Easy for me. It should be easy for you too, right?


Individual investors make emotional 401(k) investment management decisions.

Based on what they heard, read, or thought.

Not based at all on logic, facts, or reality.

I fight the battle every day. Even with long-time 401(k) advice clients.

It made sense to them before. Why not now?

Because emotions beat logic.
Investment management decisions are no different.

So, here is how I present my individual 401(k) investment advice.

I always present real-time facts. Rankings. Percentages.

But I quickly follow up with a “what do you think?” question.
To get past the hesitation. The doubt. The second guess.

To get to the deeper level of fears.

Facts are great for how I think.
But I need to know how my 401(k) advice clients feel.

How I think. How I make them feel.

My facts need to make my 401(k) advice clients feel good.

About their 401(k) mutual fund decisions.

Want a process to take the emotions out of your 401(k) mutual fund picks?

A more logical, disciplined, and organized strategy is available.

Along with a large dose of confidence in your 401(k) management decisions.

Let’s connect on LinkedIn for a complete review of your 401(k) mutual funds.

Ric Lager

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