Imagine how I feel?

A 41-year career as an investment advisor.

And I finally figured it out.

It’s not about WHAT I know. Or HOW MUCH I know.

Or my “Value Proposition.”

(The marketing genius who invented that term should be prosecuted).

Here’s what my individual 401(k) investment advice service is about.

It’s about my client’s 401(k) mutual fund options.

Remember, your company was “sold” their 401(k) plan.

The default 401(k) mutual fund options forced upon you.

Reality check: general economic or mutual fund analysis is meaningless.

Individual 401(k) investors need me to completely understand.

Their 401(k) needs, problems, and concerns.

Here’s the one positive thing I have learned.

I don’t have to sell myself. Or try to impress.

My education, experience, and technical skills.

I leave that effort to the other investment advisors of the world.

Makes me wonder.

How many of my individual 401(k) advice clients like me?

But that is not the point.

I understand my individual 401(k) advice clients mutual fund options.

I understand their tolerance for stock market risk.

A game plan to keep them invested in their best 401(k) mutual funds.

Solutions to 401(k) investment management problems.

The rest just falls into place.

Do you want to improve your 401(k) investment management strategy?

If so, let’s start a conversation.

Ric Lager

There is no need to continue to guess “what to buy” in your 401(k). Or own the poor-performing and high cost mutual funds.

It starts with a second opinion. You deserve it.

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