Dear (name of company) 401(k),

This letter is to notify you of my resignation. From further participation in future 401(k) principal losses.

I took the time to review my June 30, 2022, quarterly 401(k) account statement. I cannot take it anymore. Mentally, Emotionally, financially. Enough is finally enough.

Thank you very much for the investment gains you provided to me over the past few years. I am grateful for the growth of my 401(k) account over the years. I appreciate the opportunity to take part in your 401(k).

I have found a better 401(k) investment management solution. A 401(k) investment advice fiduciary. A source of independent, third-party, unbiased investment advice. Specific to my default company 401(k) mutual fund menu.

Please let me know what I can do to make my departure as smooth and easy as possible for you and the company.

I am taking steps today to preserve the last several years of stock and bond market investment gains. Also, the last several years of personal and company-matching 401(k) contributions.

Very sincerely yours,

Individual 401(k) participant
